cmkk.iem is an autonomous student driven community rooted in the study and practice of Computer Music and Sound Art at IEM, Graz.
Our central event series is "CMKK NACHT: Nacht der elektronischen Musik."


  • Philosophy of Synchronization

    • Our aim is to synchronize individuals by finding points of constructive interference in their diverse rhythms. This philosophy underpins our approach to social cooperation and community building.
  • What We Want

    • To organize and host the recurring "CMKK NACHT" series as our community's foundation.
    • To foster engagement in cultural, social, and academic spheres, extending our impact beyond our primary affiliation.
    • To create spaces for collaboration and experimentation, welcoming people from varied backgrounds.
    • Focusing on live-acts and installations as parts of the event.
    • As well as offering public workshops for skill-sharing.
    • To archive event information and artist presence across media platforms as extensively as possible.
    • To ensure our initiative’s continuity and adaptability.
  • Membership and Values

    • Open to all interested in Computer Music and Sound Art, including students, artists, and individuals.
    • Participation in organizing or performing in the series implies alignment with our values and philosophy.
  • Organizational Structure

    • cmkk.iem operates as a rhizomatic structure, resembling a headless state. No single node is central; instead, each point can dynamically connect with others. This flexibility allows us to adapt and evolve without a central controlling authority. The goal is to avoid a state of the community when absence of a single person could potentially stop development or functioning.
  • Communication, Inclusivity and Decision-making

    • To foster inclusivity and avoid centralized elitism, core decisions are made by meeting in person or by using digital means as necessary.
    • Colloquium can be used for informing and inviting new members.
    • Decisions are made collectively, valuing diverse perspectives and inclusivity.
    • Empowering underrepresented persons and giving them priority for participating in the following events.
    • The frequency and nature of "CMKK NACHT" events will adapt based on community feedback and experiences.
    • All decision have to be accepted by consensus. If a person doesn't disagree within 24 hours it can be accepted as agreement.
  • Financial Management

    • Operating on a not-for-profit basis, all financial activities are transparent and collectively agreed upon.
  • Safety and Ethics

    • Committed to safety, a dedicated awareness team have to be present at events for maintaining safety atmosphere.
    • We stand firmly against discrimination, striving for an inclusive and respectful atmosphere for all.
  • Amendments

    • Amendments to this constitution require collective agreement among the people at the meeting.